zaterdag 7 september 2013

Marana's Last Foreign Graduates 04 September 1954 Tucson Daily Citizen

In ceremonies held last night at Marana, the training center's final group of foreign students was among the air cadets who received diplomas. Shown here (left to right) are: U.S. Col. W.J. Grumbles, who made the graduation adress; Attila Turagay, Erhan Suar, Mustafa Koweoglu; all from Turkey; Egard Meulemans, Belgium; Sikko Steen and Robert De Blecourt, Netherlands; Alaettin Buyukkartirci, Turkey; Bernardus M. Manschot, Netherlands; U.S. Lt. Col. Charles W. Sawyer, commander of the 3307th pilot training squadron; and Dirk Klik, Netherlands.
Tucson Daily Citizen, 04 September 1954

In de afgelopen avond gehouden ceremonie, de laatste groep van buitenlandse cadetten ontvingen een diploma. Op de foto van links naar rechts: U.S. Col. W.J. Grumbles, die de speech hield; Attila Turagay, Erhan Suar, Mustafa Koweoglu; allen van Turkije; Egard Meulemans, Belgiƫ; Sikko Steen enRobert De Blecourt, Nederland; Alaettin Buyukkartirci, Turkje; Bernardus M. Manschot, Nederland; U.S. Lt. Col. Charles W. Sawyer, commandant van de 3307ste squadron en Dirk Klik, Nederland.
Krant: Tucson Daily Citizen van 04 september 1954.